dialog docs


A content container that usually presents users with a short task or gathered information without losing context of the underlying page.

Published Last updated: 5.8.0 Change log Github NPM
Twig Usage
{# Render a trigger button #}
{% include '@bolt-elements-button/button.twig' with {
  content: 'Open dialog',
  attributes: {
    type: 'button',
    'data-bolt-dialog-target': '#dialog-1',
} only %}

{# Render the related dialog #}
{% set dialog_content %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog-header.twig' with {
    content: header_content,
  } only %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog-body.twig' with {
    content: body_content,
  } only %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog-footer.twig' with {
    content: footer_content,
  } only %}
{% endset %}
{% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog.twig' with {
  content: dialog_content,
  attributes: {
    id: 'dialog-1'
} only %}
Schema Note: when assigning component props as HTML attributes on a web component, make sure to use kebab-case.
Dialog (dialog.twig)
Prop Name Description Type Default Value Option(s)

A Drupal-style attributes object with extra attributes to append to this component.


Renders the dialog content. The dialog-header.twig, dialog-body.twig, and dialog-footer.twig components are expected here.


Controls the width of the dialog.

string optimal
  • full, regular, optimal, auto

Controls the inset spacing of the dialog header, body, and footer.

string medium
  • none, small, medium, large

Enables the dialog to be persistent. This will eliminate ways to close the dialog and it is up to the author to provide a custom link to close the dialog or redirect to another page within the dialog content.

boolean false

Renders a transparent background for the dialog. Only use this when building an image or video only modal without any text. Do not pass header and footer as text will not be legible with a transparent background.

boolean false
Dialog Header (dialog-header.twig)
Prop Name Description Type Default Value Option(s)

A Drupal attributes object. Applies extra HTML attributes to the parent element.


Main content of the dialog header.

Dialog Body (dialog-body.twig)
Prop Name Description Type Default Value Option(s)

A Drupal attributes object. Applies extra HTML attributes to the parent element.


Main content of the dialog body.

Dialog Footer (dialog-footer.twig)
Prop Name Description Type Default Value Option(s)

A Drupal attributes object. Applies extra HTML attributes to the parent element.


Main content of the dialog footer.

Install Install
npm install @bolt/components-dialog
Dependencies @bolt/core-v3.x


 Dialog is only supported in Safari 15.4 and newer. Use Modal component instead if you need to support older browsers.
Basic Dialog A dialog can be used to display interactive content over a webpage. The element is generally hidden on page load and becomes visible after interaction with a trigger. Triggers are typically a Button element or Text Link element. Important Notes: This is a replacement for the Modal component. The trigger must be a semantic <button>. To relate a trigger to a specific dialog, add the data-bolt-dialog-target attribute to the trigger and set the value to the <dialog>’s unique id or class name (eg. #dialog-1). There are 3 content areas within a dialog: header, body, and footer. Header and footer are optional, only use them when you need sticky header and footer. Use body for regular dialog content. Each area comes with its own template: dialog-header.twig dialog-body.twig dialog-footer.twig Reference the Dialog schema for all options. Demo

This is a dialog

Esse qui aliqua cupidatat anim duis exercitation aliquip occaecat consectetur cupidatat. Labore nisi pariatur adipisicing minim enim amet consectetur voluptate occaecat ipsum dolore laboris et. Consequat non voluptate excepteur consequat pariatur Lorem est ea. Nisi enim elit quis dolore fugiat officia nulla.
{# Render a trigger button #}
{% include '@bolt-elements-button/button.twig' with {
  content: 'Open dialog',
  attributes: {
    type: 'button',
    'data-bolt-dialog-target': '#dialog-1',
} only %}

{# Render the related dialog #}
{% set dialog_content %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog-header.twig' with {
    content: header_content,
  } only %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog-body.twig' with {
    content: body_content,
  } only %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog-footer.twig' with {
    content: footer_content,
  } only %}
{% endset %}
{% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog.twig' with {
  content: dialog_content,
  attributes: {
    id: 'dialog-1'
} only %}
Not available in plain HTML. Please use Twig.

dialog width

 Dialog is only supported in Safari 15.4 and newer. Use Modal component instead if you need to support older browsers.
Dialog Width A width can be explicitly set on a dialog. By default, a dialog is about 75 characters wide. Important Notes: Use the width prop to adjust the dialog’s width. Full: This is taking up the full width of the screen minus the gutters (about 2rem on left and right). Regular: This is 10 out 12 columns wide, about 80% of the screen width. Optimal: This is about 75 characters wide, close to optimal reading length (This is the default setting). Auto: This adapts the width of the dialog content. Only use this option if the dialog content has an explicit width. Recommended for advanced usage. Demo

This is a dialog

This dialog has full width. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque exercitationem obcaecati, quod quae est suscipit voluptates culpa tenetur nostrum, velit, accusantium iusto officia impedit? Eligendi pariatur nemo sint tenetur maiores. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque exercitationem obcaecati, quod quae est suscipit voluptates culpa tenetur nostrum, velit, accusantium iusto officia impedit? Eligendi pariatur nemo sint tenetur maiores.

This is a dialog

This dialog has regular width. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque exercitationem obcaecati, quod quae est suscipit voluptates culpa tenetur nostrum, velit, accusantium iusto officia impedit? Eligendi pariatur nemo sint tenetur maiores. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque exercitationem obcaecati, quod quae est suscipit voluptates culpa tenetur nostrum, velit, accusantium iusto officia impedit? Eligendi pariatur nemo sint tenetur maiores.

This is a dialog

This dialog has optimal width. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque exercitationem obcaecati, quod quae est suscipit voluptates culpa tenetur nostrum, velit, accusantium iusto officia impedit? Eligendi pariatur nemo sint tenetur maiores. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque exercitationem obcaecati, quod quae est suscipit voluptates culpa tenetur nostrum, velit, accusantium iusto officia impedit? Eligendi pariatur nemo sint tenetur maiores.

This is a dialog

This dialog has auto width. It is as wide as the content.
{% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog.twig' with {
  content: content,
  width: 'full',
  attributes: {
    id: 'dialog-width-1'
} only %}
Not available in plain HTML. Please use Twig.

dialog spacing

 Dialog is only supported in Safari 15.4 and newer. Use Modal component instead if you need to support older browsers.
Dialog Spacing The inset spacing of the dialog’s header, body, and footer is adjustable. Important Notes: Use the spacing prop to control the spacing. It can even be set to none to remove all spacing. Reference the Dialog schema for all options. Demo

This is a dialog

The spacing is set to none. Esse qui aliqua cupidatat anim duis exercitation aliquip occaecat consectetur cupidatat. Labore nisi pariatur adipisicing minim enim amet consectetur voluptate occaecat ipsum dolore laboris et. Consequat non voluptate excepteur consequat pariatur Lorem est ea. Nisi enim elit quis dolore fugiat officia nulla.

This is a dialog

The spacing is set to small. Esse qui aliqua cupidatat anim duis exercitation aliquip occaecat consectetur cupidatat. Labore nisi pariatur adipisicing minim enim amet consectetur voluptate occaecat ipsum dolore laboris et. Consequat non voluptate excepteur consequat pariatur Lorem est ea. Nisi enim elit quis dolore fugiat officia nulla.

This is a dialog

The spacing is set to medium. Esse qui aliqua cupidatat anim duis exercitation aliquip occaecat consectetur cupidatat. Labore nisi pariatur adipisicing minim enim amet consectetur voluptate occaecat ipsum dolore laboris et. Consequat non voluptate excepteur consequat pariatur Lorem est ea. Nisi enim elit quis dolore fugiat officia nulla.

This is a dialog

The spacing is set to large. Esse qui aliqua cupidatat anim duis exercitation aliquip occaecat consectetur cupidatat. Labore nisi pariatur adipisicing minim enim amet consectetur voluptate occaecat ipsum dolore laboris et. Consequat non voluptate excepteur consequat pariatur Lorem est ea. Nisi enim elit quis dolore fugiat officia nulla.
{% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog.twig' with {
  content: content,
  spacing: 'large',
  attributes: {
    id: 'dialog-spacing-1'
} only %}
Not available in plain HTML. Please use Twig.

dialog persistent

 Dialog is only supported in Safari 15.4 and newer. Use Modal component instead if you need to support older browsers.
Persistent Dialog A persistent dialog is useful when creating paywall or subscription-wall. Important Notes: Set the persistent prop to true to make a dialog persistent. When a dialog is persistent the default close button is not shown and clicking anywhere outside the dialog will not close the dialog. A close method is mandatory, make sure to manually add a trigger with the data-dialog-close attribute to close a persistent dialog or a link to navigate to another page in the dialog content. Demo

This is a persistent dialog

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Mollitia aliquam distinctio optio debitis ab praesentium, velit magnam aliquid tenetur sequi ipsam maiores porro sapiente eaque. Maiores quibusdam eaque cupiditate placeat?
{% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog.twig' with {
  content: content,
  persistent: true,
  attributes: {
    id: 'dialog-persistent-1'
} only %}
Not available in plain HTML. Please use Twig.

dialog transparent

 Dialog is only supported in Safari 15.4 and newer. Use Modal component instead if you need to support older browsers.
Transparent Dialog A transparent dialog is recommended when creating image or video only dialogs, and other advanced dialogs. Important Notes: Set the transparent prop to true to make a dialog transparent. When building advanced transparent dialogs, make sure to adjust text color or manually add background color because the dialog has no background at all. See the image only dialog use case. See the video only dialog use case. Demo
Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Mollitia aliquam distinctio optio debitis ab praesentium, velit magnam aliquid tenetur sequi ipsam maiores porro sapiente eaque. Maiores quibusdam eaque cupiditate placeat?
{% include '@bolt-elements-button/button.twig' with {
  content: 'Transparent dialog',
  attributes: {
    type: 'button',
    'data-bolt-dialog-target': '#dialog-transparent',
} only %}

{% set dialog_content %}
  {# Manually set the color theme (text + background color) #}
  {% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog-body.twig' with {
    content: 'Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Mollitia aliquam distinctio optio debitis ab praesentium, velit magnam aliquid tenetur sequi ipsam maiores porro sapiente eaque. Maiores quibusdam eaque cupiditate placeat?',
    attributes: {
      class: 't-bolt-yellow',
  } only %}
{% endset %}

{% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog.twig' with {
  content: dialog_content,
  transparent: true,
  attributes: {
    id: 'dialog-transparent'
} only %}
Not available in plain HTML. Please use Twig.

dialog themes

 Dialog is only supported in Safari 15.4 and newer. Use Modal component instead if you need to support older browsers.
Dialog Theme A dialog can apply its own color theme that is independent of the page. Important Notes: See the Theming System page for all color themes. Demo

This is a dialog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque repellendus facere optio error quia animi nulla excepturi quaerat fugiat quam labore necessitatibus architecto praesentium inventore adipisci, maxime natus ut eius.

This is a dialog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque repellendus facere optio error quia animi nulla excepturi quaerat fugiat quam labore necessitatibus architecto praesentium inventore adipisci, maxime natus ut eius.

This is a dialog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque repellendus facere optio error quia animi nulla excepturi quaerat fugiat quam labore necessitatibus architecto praesentium inventore adipisci, maxime natus ut eius.

This is a dialog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque repellendus facere optio error quia animi nulla excepturi quaerat fugiat quam labore necessitatibus architecto praesentium inventore adipisci, maxime natus ut eius.

This is a dialog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque repellendus facere optio error quia animi nulla excepturi quaerat fugiat quam labore necessitatibus architecto praesentium inventore adipisci, maxime natus ut eius.

This is a dialog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque repellendus facere optio error quia animi nulla excepturi quaerat fugiat quam labore necessitatibus architecto praesentium inventore adipisci, maxime natus ut eius.

This is a dialog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque repellendus facere optio error quia animi nulla excepturi quaerat fugiat quam labore necessitatibus architecto praesentium inventore adipisci, maxime natus ut eius.

This is a dialog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque repellendus facere optio error quia animi nulla excepturi quaerat fugiat quam labore necessitatibus architecto praesentium inventore adipisci, maxime natus ut eius.

This is a dialog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque repellendus facere optio error quia animi nulla excepturi quaerat fugiat quam labore necessitatibus architecto praesentium inventore adipisci, maxime natus ut eius.

This is a dialog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque repellendus facere optio error quia animi nulla excepturi quaerat fugiat quam labore necessitatibus architecto praesentium inventore adipisci, maxime natus ut eius.

This is a dialog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque repellendus facere optio error quia animi nulla excepturi quaerat fugiat quam labore necessitatibus architecto praesentium inventore adipisci, maxime natus ut eius.

This is a dialog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque repellendus facere optio error quia animi nulla excepturi quaerat fugiat quam labore necessitatibus architecto praesentium inventore adipisci, maxime natus ut eius.

This is a dialog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque repellendus facere optio error quia animi nulla excepturi quaerat fugiat quam labore necessitatibus architecto praesentium inventore adipisci, maxime natus ut eius.
{% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog.twig' with {
  content: content,
  attributes: {
    class: 't-bolt-navy',
    id: 'dialog-theme-1',
} only %}
Not available in plain HTML. Please use Twig.

dialog use case image

 Dialog is only supported in Safari 15.4 and newer. Use Modal component instead if you need to support older browsers.
Image Dialog Dialog can be used to display just an image or an image with text caption. Important Notes: When building an image only dialog, set spacing prop to none and transparent prop to true. When building an image dialog with caption, use the footer for the caption text. If width and height are defined on the image, set the dialog’s width prop to auto. This allows the dialog to be as big as the image size. Demo
Alt text.
Alt text.
This is the image caption.
{# Image only dialog #}
{% set image_dialog_content %}
  {% set image %}
    {% include '@bolt-elements-image/image.twig' with {
      attributes: {
        src: '/images/placeholders/16x9.jpg',
        alt: 'Alt text.',
        loading: 'lazy',
        width: 640,
        height: 480,
    } only %}
  {% endset %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog-body.twig' with {
    content: image,
  } only %}
{% endset %}
{% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog.twig' with {
  content: image_dialog_content,
  spacing: 'none',
  width: 'auto',
  transparent: true,
  attributes: {
    id: 'dialog-image'
} only %}

{# Image + caption dialog #}
{% set caption_dialog_content %}
  {% set image %}
    {% include '@bolt-elements-image/image.twig' with {
      attributes: {
        src: '/images/placeholders/16x9.jpg',
        alt: 'Alt text.',
        loading: 'lazy',
        width: 640,
        height: 480,
    } only %}
  {% endset %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog-body.twig' with {
    content: image,
  } only %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog-footer.twig' with {
    content: 'This is the image caption.',
  } only %}
{% endset %}
{% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog.twig' with {
  content: caption_dialog_content,
  spacing: 'small',
  width: 'auto',
  attributes: {
    id: 'dialog-caption'
} only %}
Not available in plain HTML. Please use Twig.

dialog use case video

 Dialog is only supported in Safari 15.4 and newer. Use Modal component instead if you need to support older browsers.
Dialog Video Dialog can be used to display just an video or an video with text description. Important Notes: When building a video only dialog, set spacing prop to none and transparent prop to true. When building a video dialog with description, use the footer for the description text. To automatically play a Brightcove video when a dialog opens, you must add some specific data-attributes. These attributes delay the video initialization. When these attributes are present, the video will initialize when the dialog opens, automatically begin playing, and pause when the dialog closes: data-delayed-account (replaces data-account) data-delayed-player (replaces data-player) data-delayed-video-id (replaces data-video-id) data-video-delayed (flag to delay the initialization) Demo
This is the video description.
{# Video only dialog #}
{% set image_dialog_content %}
  {% set video %}
    {% set brightcove %}
    {% endset %}
    {% include '@bolt-elements-ratio/ratio.twig' with {
      content: brightcove,
      ratio: 'wide'
    } only %}
  {% endset %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog-body.twig' with {
    content: video,
  } only %}
{% endset %}
{% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog.twig' with {
  content: image_dialog_content,
  spacing: 'none',
  transparent: true,
  attributes: {
    id: 'dialog-video'
} only %}

{# Video + description dialog #}
{% set caption_dialog_content %}
  {% set video %}
    {% set brightcove %}
    {% endset %}
    {% include '@bolt-elements-ratio/ratio.twig' with {
      content: brightcove,
      ratio: 'wide'
    } only %}
  {% endset %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog-body.twig' with {
    content: video,
  } only %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog-footer.twig' with {
    content: 'This is the video description.',
  } only %}
{% endset %}
{% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog.twig' with {
  content: caption_dialog_content,
  spacing: 'small',
  attributes: {
    id: 'dialog-description'
} only %}
Not available in plain HTML. Please use Twig.

dialog use case form

 Dialog is only supported in Safari 15.4 and newer. Use Modal component instead if you need to support older browsers.
Dialog Form Usage A form dialog is best suited for presenting content restriction message or account creation/registration. Important Notes: Utilize all the dialog areas to create the best experience: header, body, and footer. Header and footer can become sticky when the body gets too tall. Render the form inside the body. The <form> element must have an id. Render form controls inside the footer. Each <button> element must have the form attribute set to the id of the <form> element. Demo

Get the Report

(all fields are required)

{% set header_content %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-headline/headline.twig' with {
    text: 'Get the Report',
    size: 'xlarge'
  } only %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-headline/text.twig' with {
    text: '(all fields are required)',
    size: 'small'
  } only %}
{% endset %}

{% set body_content %}
  <form id="form-uuid-123">
    {# form elements #}
{% endset %}

{% set footer_content %}
  {% set icon_download %}
    {% include '@bolt-elements-icon/icon.twig' with {
      name: 'download',
    } only %}
  {% endset %}
  {% include '@bolt-elements-button/button.twig' with {
    content: 'Download Now',
    icon_before: icon_download,
    display: 'block',
    attributes: {
      type: 'submit',
      form: 'form-uuid-123',
  } only %}
{% endset %}

{% set dialog_content %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog-header.twig' with {
    content: header_content,
  } only %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog-body.twig' with {
    content: body_content,
  } only %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog-footer.twig' with {
    content: footer_content,
  } only %}
{% endset %}

{% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog.twig' with {
  content: dialog_content,
  attributes: {
    id: 'dialog-form'
} only %}
Not available in plain HTML. Please use Twig.

dialog use case layouts

 Dialog is only supported in Safari 15.4 and newer. Use Modal component instead if you need to support older browsers.
Dialog with Complex Layouts Layouts and grids can be used within a dialog to create complex design. Important Notes: While this is possible to do, we do not encourage building complex layouts within a dialog. Consider other design patterns before resorting to this. Demo


Most Recent Certifications

Zertifizierter Kundenservice-Systemarchitekt
Version 7.2 | Nov 7, 2021

Zertifizierter Kundenservice-Systemarchitekt
Version 7.2 | Nov 7, 2021

Zertifizierter Kundenservice-Systemarchitekt
Version 7.2 | Nov 7, 2021

Most Recent Badges

{% set layout %}
  {% include '@bolt-layouts-layout/layout.twig' with {
    content: 'Complex layout goes here',
    padding_top: 'medium',
    padding_bottom: 'none',
  } only %}
{% endset %}
{% set footer_content %}
  {% include '@bolt-elements-button/button.twig' with {
    content: 'View full profile',
    display: 'block',
    attributes: {
      href: 'https://pega.com',
  } only %}
{% endset %}
{% set dialog_content %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog-body.twig' with {
    content: layout,
  } only %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog-footer.twig' with {
    content: footer_content,
  } only %}
{% endset %}

{% include '@bolt-components-dialog/dialog.twig' with {
  content: dialog_content,
  attributes: {
    id: 'dialog-layout'
} only %}
Not available in plain HTML. Please use Twig.